1358 Cape St. Claire Road, Annapolis, MD

Adult Classes

Classes for Adults
Whether you arrive at our dance studio with years of dance training or are an enthusiastic beginner, you'll find a home in the adult classes at Davy Dance Academy!
Classes run October through June and registration is required. Are you a parent of a DDA student? Contact our team to learn about parent discounts! Adult classes are welcome to perform in our annual recital. Participation in the show is not required, but we encourage you to give it a try.
Adult class atmosphere is relaxed: specific dance attire is not required, just comfortable clothes that you can move in. Classes are open to new and seasoned dancers. Individualized instruction is utilized in the adult classes when dancing across the floor and during class combinations.
Adult Hip Hop
Tuesday @ 8:00pm - 8:45pm
Includes 90s and current hip hop! There are many great benefits to hip hop class, including increased flexibility and balance, increased coordination, muscle development, builds self-confidence, and allows for artistic expression.
Comfortable, moveable clothing & shoes

"Great local studio. Well managed and a personable experience for all dancers involved."